The Kogiwood Drama series that the EFCC is acting in, takes us down to George Orwell classic novel “Animal Farm” where the Animals displayed uncanny ability that beats human imagination. One will now wonder that if animals could reason well, why is the EFCC helmsman acting as if he is on vindictive and vengeful mission against Former Governor of Kogi State, His Excellency, Alhaji Yahaya Adoza Bello 🤔
We of the Like Minds Alliance Pressure Group will want the EFCC helmsman to explain to the whole World what exactly he has against FGYB or the person that owns the script he is acting. His desperate attempt in ensuring he fully does the bidding of his pay Masters that he knows better than us is unfortunately dragging the judiciary name in the mud.
He has flagrantly encroached on the fundamental human right of GYB by gate-crashing into his personal life , and publishing the details of his children educational financial details. He should come out and tell Nigerians how much he pays for children school fees.
We are not in any way supporting the assumed atrocities of FGYB until proven guilty, our position is that the law should be allowed to take it’s full course. The EFCC helmsman is just fortunate being placed at the top job where Nuhu Ribadu laid a great legacy that he is out to rubbish with the agenda of his pay Masters that we still insist he has.
The National Coordinator and Convener of the Like Minds Alliance Pressure Group has a robust and very cordial relationship with FGYB that spans over a decade yet he was his most ardent critic even when people believe he was his MOST ardent pillar of support when he was on the historic mission of liberating the people of the State from satanic apartheid like political enslavement of the Igala apologists. The Igala apologists believed that FGYB has put an end to their despotic domination of the political scene of the State and must pay dearly for liberating Kogites from political enslavement.
Our Group wants to make it clear to them (the Igala apologist’s) that the good people of Kogi West and Central senatorial district’s were not the one that made their original kith and kin in Benue pauperized them, and for this reason we will not pay the political repatriation they believe is due to them. In the political history of this Nation, FGYB has not committed any offence that is more grievous than past State Governors.
Ganduje the present National Chairman of the ruling party was caught with dollars that he was nicknamed Gandollar, Joshua Dariye , Orji Kalu and Theodore Orji committed monumental fraud yet they are Chairmen of juicy committees in the Red Chamber of the National Assembly even as convicted person’s. These are people who are supposed to be serving jail terms, but contested primary and general in prison which they won convincingly the Naija way and heaven is yet to fall. Why the hue of FGYB must be humiliated.
The EFCC helmsman must come out to tell us whose script he is acting and how much financial tag it comes with before we deliver our verdict on his non charlatan abuse of our judicial system.
The jestapo style of arrest he made on the icon of POLITICAL liberation of the Confluence State is disgusting and should be condemned in all entity.
He who comes to the clean the augean stable must come with equitable clean hands and we are bold to say the EFCC helmsman is not fit for the noble office he is occupying, as he has shown to the whole except his taskmasters that he is doing a hatchet job.
Chief Richard Asaje led Pressure Group condemn in full terms the unholy cabalic romance between the EFCC helmsman and Igala apologist’s as we are asking him to allow the law takes its due course and GYB is found guilty let him equally enjoy what Gandollar, Joshua Dariye, Orji Kalu and Theodore Orji are enjoying.
We rest our case as we are watching how events unfold before we make further comments.
Secretary, Like Minds Alliance Pressure Group
4th May, 2024