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Home » Local Government Autonomy; A pros to mount the ladder of Leadership by the Youth – OLUOMO

Local Government Autonomy; A pros to mount the ladder of Leadership by the Youth – OLUOMO

It’s no longer news that on the 11th of July 2024, the Supreme Court gave a verdict that disentangled the Local Government Councils from the yokes of the Governors, granting them financial autonomy. The ruling upholds the constitutional guarantee of a system of Local Government by democratically elected councils, as enshrined in section 7 of the 1999 Constitution.


The judgment mandates that Local Governments should receive their funds directly from the Federation Account, bypassing State governments.


What does this ruling means to the aspiring youths who are willing to become political leaders of their immediate Community?


The Supreme Court’s ruling had inspired confidence in the heart of the teeming youths who are aspiring to actively participate in grassroots governance as this judgement will strengthen the democratic process at the grassroots level. Local Governments are now expected to function with greater independence, free from the constant threat and interference from the State governments.


By the virtue of this judgment, our people most especially the youth will be able to hold their local leaders to account for their actions and inactions. What is sent to Local Government Accounts will be known, and services must now be provided without excuses.


With the effectiveness of the Local Government Autonomy, the participation of Youths in political process will grow rapidly with the hope and desire to make the local representation as a pathway to achieve success in politics.


 Olaniyi Sina (Oluomo),

Youth Leader, Ola Oluwa LCDA, Osun State

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