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Ododo, and If Simplicity Were a Person.

I don’t usually have brief conversations with public figures and leave deeply impressed. However, a few days ago, His Excellency, Alhaji Ahmed Usman Ododo, left me with a different perspective. Until then, I had only admired his achievements as he followed the path set by His Excellency, Alhaji Yahaya Bello. But after our conversation, it became clear that how he sees the people of Kogi State and his approach to the “Continuity and Consolidation” administration reflect who he truly is. One word stood out: simplicity.

In today’s Nigeria, many believe that leadership must be flashy and loud to make an impact. However, His Excellency, Alhaji Ahmed Ododo proves that simplicity is often the most effective asset in leadership. Over the past nine months, his quiet leadership has concentrated on improving the well-being of Kogi State’s people. He is gradually becoming a symbol of leadership that rises above unnecessary complexity and all that divides Kogites, bringing Kogi people together under a shared purpose.

If simplicity were a person, it would definitely be His Excellency, Alhaji Ahmed Usman Ododo that I’m getting to know. He doesn’t seek attention or impress with grand gestures. Instead, his leadership speaks through actions, continuing the philosophy of his predecessor, His Excellency, Alhaji Yahaya Bello, who valued practical results over empty promises. Ododo’s ability to streamline governance and achieve meaningful outcomes for Kogi State is remarkable. It’s no surprise that the APC chose him, even though he wasn’t the most popular within party ranks.

I had observed His Excellency, Alhaji Ahmed Usman Ododo’s interactions with ordinary Kogites from a distance, but witnessing his humility and respect firsthand was revealing. Despite not being a renowned public speaker, his growth into a people-centered leader is impressive. His words are carefully chosen, with no need for exaggeration, a trait that mirrors the GYB’s influence. I couldn’t help but wonder how someone like him, a technocrat, could become governor without developing an ego. He remains focused on practical strategies and policies, continuing the accessible governance style of the “New Direction” administration.

Unfortunately, many Kogites didn’t get to know His Excellency, Alhaji Ahmed Usman Ododo before his governorship due to divisions along ethnic, religious, or political lines. These divides, fueled by opposition to the political ideology of his benefactor, His Excellency Alhaji Yahaya Bello, have limited awareness of Ododo’s capacities. The stories of the last nine months are still to be told with the openness they deserve, but the more I learn about him, the more committed I become to telling his story, alongside that of His Excellency, Alhaji Yahaya Bello. Ododo’s journey is indeed a success story of the GYB administration.

As Governor, he doesn’t see himself as above the people he leads, but as one of them. His leadership style is inclusive, and he values the input of others; something I witnessed firsthand. This inclusive and open-door approach is a continuation of the “New Direction” administration’s beauty under the leadership of His Excellency, Yahaya Bello, where everyone’s voice mattered. During meetings, Alhaji Ododo listens more than he speaks, always eager to understand the needs of the people and how he can provide solutions. As he once said, “You are a stakeholder in the state, and don’t let anyone take your voice away.”

His Excellency, Alhaji Ododo has shown that simplicity delivers tangible results in his short time in office. Rather than making grand promises, he prioritises practical solutions that directly improve people’s lives; particularly in addressing employee welfare. His work in healthcare, education, and infrastructure is direct and effective, particularly with the launch of new healthcare centres and road rehabilitation projects in underdeveloped areas.

Much like his predecessor, His Excellency Alhaji Ododo values transparency in decision-making. His clear and open approach is steadily building trust among people across Kogi State’s regions. This is the next stage of evolution in the “New Direction” ideologies, steadily building a Kogi State where no interest outside that which is genuinely people-oriented can thrive. It is amazing to see how, in these early days of his administration, people who once doubted him are now singing his praises and acknowledging his suitability as APC’s gubernatorial candidate.

I am very familiar with the team-building capacity of the “New Direction” government, where His Excellency, Alhaji Yahaya Bello, allowed Ododo to thrive. It’s more amazing to see how Ododo now follows in the same light. It’s inspiring to witness the emergence of new-generation leaders under his administration, who are given the freedom to develop without overwhelming pressure. Instead, he trusts them to do their jobs, offering guidance when necessary. This trust has fostered a more efficient government, with everyone working towards a common goal.

His experience in team management has brought a level of coordination and efficiency that ensures public resources are well-managed, benefiting the people. In a short time, His Excellency, Alhaji Ahmed Usman Ododo’s focus on essentials has led to meaningful progress for Kogi State. Challenges concerning Kogites are simplified and tackled step by step, improving the quality of life for ordinary citizens. The “Continuity and Consolidation” administration is already building on the reforms in education, healthcare, and infrastructure started by his predecessor, to ensure they are sustained for future generations.

For His Excellency, Alhaji Ahmed Usman Ododo, integrity and focus on what truly matters; the well-being of Kogi State’s people; should be what Kogites think of when his name is mentioned. His policies continually build on the gains of the “New Direction,” to keep uplifting Kogites, especially the poor and vulnerable, and he calls that fulfilling. Ododo is a man of his word, who doesn’t overpromise, but when he commits to something, he follows through. This has earned him the respect and loyalty of the people, and the continued development and empowerment of the youth and women population have been central to his leadership.

Now, to both the believers and naysayers, his leadership shows that simplicity doesn’t mean doing less, but rather doing what is right and not disrespecting humanity. His focus on substance over showmanship proves that simplicity can lead to great results. His Excellency, Alhaji Ahmed Usman Ododo’s approach is a refreshing change from the norm, where leaders often focus more on appearances than on substance. This is the beauty that was envisioned by His Excellency, Alhaji Yahaya Bello, in his succession plan, and Kogites are already living that testimony.

While many leaders are concerned with building their own image, His Excellency, Alhaji Ahmed Usman Ododo is focused on building the Kogi State of everyone’s dreams; a legacy posterity will be proud of. His consistency in speech, action, and promises has earned him the trust of the people. He leads by example, reminding us that true leadership is about serving others, not oneself. His Excellency, Alhaji Ahmed Usman Ododo’s quiet confidence and steady hand are helping to realise the Kogi dream.

As I have always advocated, today is the right time to align with the “Continuity and Consolidation” government and help build the Kogi State of our dreams. Open your mind, get to know your pilot, and contribute your quota. With or without you, the business of governance will continue, but where would you rather be?

Thank you, His Excellency, Alhaji Yahaya Bello, for the gift of His Excellency, Alhaji Ahmed Usman Ododo. Kogi State can only get better from here.

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