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The Anglican Synod Applauds Government, Raises Concern On Critical Issues

At the 3rd Session of the 10th Synod of the Diocese of Lokoja, Church of Nigeria (Angelican Communion), the Synod, via its President; Lord Bishop, Most Reverend Emmanuel A.S. Egbunu Ph.D in a communique during the 3rd Session of the 10th Synod at Crowther Memorial Anglican Church, Lokoja on Thursday, 28th of April has applauded the Governments of Kogi State and the Federal Republic of Nigeria over the achievements they have so far, while he also raised concern on other critical issues.

The communique reads in part;

“Synod applauds the Government of Kogi State for the distribution of vehicles to security agencies to tackle insecurity in the State”. The Synod also enjoins the three tiers of Government to evolve strategies capable of mitigating the rising insecurity in the country.

“The Synod appreciates the distribution of palliatives to cushion the effect of inflation in the country, while admonishing Government to ensure that it gets to the intended targets”.

“The Synod commends the Federal Government for the approval of the students loans scheme and prays for continuity”.

“The Synod commiserates with the victims of Agojeju-odo in Omala Local Government Area of Kogi State, and calls on the State Government to ensure that the perpetrators are brought to justice”.

“The Synod admonishes all public office holders to shun all forms of corruption as it is the bane of our nation”.

“The Synod also notes that the Nigerian Economy has been a subject of great concern as a result of prevailing hardship arising from fiscal policies and inflation. Consequently the Synod calls on all the levels of Government to diversify our economy and prioritize (or place emphasis on) agriculture and agro-allied industries”.

“The Synod observes high mobility of health professionals from the country with great concern and cautions the government on the danger of inadequate personnel to appropriately attend to various degrees of ailments in the country”.

“The Synod earnestly encourages the three tiers of government to be committed to provision of qualitative education at all levels and also encourages training and retraining of personnel”.

“The Synod expresses displeasure over the rate of unemployment especially among the youths and women and therefore counsels individuals, groups, organizations and government to avail them (Youths and Women) of opportunities to be profitably engaged”.

“The Synod notes that the Judiciary has always been the hope of the common man and therefore enjoins them to discharge their duties with the fear of God, and the Government should provide them full autonomy”.

The Most Reverend was supported by his Wife, Mrs. Abiodun Abosede Egbunu, the President of the Diocesan Mothers Union and Women, Ladies and Girls Guild.

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